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Table 2 Binding free energy of pre-pore Cry4Aa trimer in solution

From: Combined molecular dynamics and continuum solvent studies of the pre-pore Cry4Aa trimer suggest its stability in solution and how it may form pore



3 × Monomer



1. G sol

-11,722.5a ± 17.6b

-11,319.6 ± 37.9

-402.9 ± 42.8

Solvation free energy


0.9 ± 0.0

446.6 ± 1.0

-445.7 ± 1.0

Non-polar part


-11,723.5 ± 17.6

-11,766.2 ± 37.9

42.8 ± 41.8

Polar part

2. H MM

-36,968.6 ± 22.1

-37,206.5 ± 46.5

237.9 ± 51.4

Molecular mechanical energy

   2-1. H elec

-50,075.3 ± 20.2

-50,218.7 ± 43.7

143.4 ± 48.1

Electrostatic energy

   2-2. H vdW

-9,430.9 ± 5.8

-9,420.8 ± 13.7

-10.2 ± 14.9

van der Waals energy

   2-3. H conf

22,537.6 ± 6.6

22,432.9 ± 7.5

104.7 ± 10.0

Conformational energy

3. - TS tot




Entropic energy

   3-1.-TS tran




Translational part

   3-2. TS rot




Rotational part

   3-3. TS vib



[~ -10]

Vibrational part

4. G tot

-48,691.1 ± 28.2e

-48,526.1 ± 60.0

-165.0 ± 66.3

Free energy (1+2)



Free energy (1+2+3)

  1. Binding free energy (in kcal/mol) calculated as the difference between the free energy of Cry4Aa trimer in solution and that of three separated Cry4Aa monomers in solution.
  2. a Energy was calculated as an average over 50 snapshots taken at 100 ps interval from the last 5 ns of the 10-ns MD simulations.
  3. b Error in energy was calculated as the standard error of the mean.
  4. c Energies in square brackets were guessed values based on data from simulations of protein complexes [45, 46].
  5. d Energies in round brackets were theoretical estimated values using statistical mechanics and the entropic energies of Cry4Aa monomer.
  6. e Error in adding or subtracting two values of energies E1 ± ΔE1 and E2 ± ΔE2 was estimated as .